
Considering how prevalent mental illness is, why do so few bloggers talk about it?

The aim of this blog is to write about my experience with mental illness, developments in my life as well as issues in the field of mental health all the while keeping a feminist framework.

I hope you can take something from this blog, whatever that may be.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Some last Blogathon Information

The Mood Disorders Society of Canada

The MDSC are the principal national advocates in Canada for people living with depression, bipolar disorder and related mood disorders.They have:-international linkages through GAMIAN International and the IIMHL (International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership) and ISAD (International Society for Affective Disorders).-provincial linkages with mood disorders associations and other regional and local organizations who have similar mandates and are delivering services “on the ground”.Their focused advocacy activities have been quite effective because they are a smaller organization that is determined to have a long term impact on health and social policies as they relate to mental illnesses.They have worked with Health Canada; Human Resources and Skills Development Canada; Corrections Canada; Canadian Institutes of Health Research and other health research organizations to advocate for more research in the field of mental illnesses.With regard to gender issues they have emphasized the concerns of depression in women and in particular post partum depression and have had meetings with Health Canada’s Women’s Issues Group and CIHR Institute of Gender to encourage more research.They are also working with the Mental Health Commission of Canada, advocating for a national mental health strategy.Most importantly: Fundraising is far more difficult for mental health organizations than it is for cancer, diabetes or other chronic illnesses. Unlike these causes, pink ribbons or runs or walks are less appealing because of the silence surrounding these issues. It is up to us to ensure that these illnesses are recognized, researched and the people who have them, are spoken for.

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